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Workshop Digital Service Tax (DST)

19 Maggio 2021

Eminent speakers from Italian and European Institutions as well as from well-known national and international companies and Universities will attend the webinar “The Digital Service Tax (DST)”  that will go through Italian, international and European tax debate by collecting different stanpoints. The webinar is organized by IBTC – International Business and Tax Centre of Università Europea di Roma – UER

May 25th, 2021 at 5 pm CET

Digital Service Tax: domestic implementation(s) within the international and European tax debate


Prof. Gianni Vivona – Co-Director IBTC


Dott. Stefano Trettel – Head of Tax Fininvest
The digital service tax: the Italian version 

Mr Bert Zuijdendorp – Head of the Company Taxation Initiatives Unit
The global and EU challenges of taxing the digital sector

Dott. Fabrizia Lapecorella – General Director of Finance, Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance
DST’s and the global solution to address the challenges of the digitalization of the economy

Dott. Diego Ciulli – Senior Manager Public Policy,  Google
Online advertising, the Italian DST and a new international tax deal

Prof. Dennis Weber – University of Amsterdam
First thoughts on the European Commission Communication on Business Taxation 

Prof. Ana Paula Dourado – University of Lisbon
Some reasons to tax consumer facing business

Prof. Werner Haslehner – University of Luxembourg
Digital service tax: illegal State Aid? 

Prof. Alessio Persiani – European University of Rome
Marketplaces and the Italian DST 



Prof. Marco Fazzini – Co-Director IBTC 

Scarica la locandina dell’evento

Full webinar video


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