
Jean Monnet Chair

8 October 2021

Competition law enforcement in digital markets – Digital Markets and Competition Law. Interdisciplinary project for European Judges

Giappichelli Editore – September 2021


4 October 2021

Webinar Accademia UIBM: IPRS nei mercati digitali e data driven

4 October 2021, 10:00 CET – Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi

Event full program

1 October 2021

Conference: Digital Markets Act in the Making: Challenges and Potential of the New EU Regulation on Big Tech

October 1st 2021, 14:00 CET – Refectory and Zoom – Badia Fiesolana, Via dei Roccettini 9 – San Domenico di Fiesole (Fiesole, Florence)

Conference program

22 September 2021

Press Conference “Sovranità dei dati: la strategia italiana ed europea”

22 september 2021, 11:00 CET – Palazzo Madama – Sala Nassirya | Su iniziativa degli EUROPEISTI

Conference programConference full video

8 July 2021

Webinar: Digital Market Act: Institutional and enforcement design

8 July 2021, 17:00 – 18:30 CET – DeepIn Research Network

Event programmeWebinar full video

8 June 2021

Webinar: Portability in the financial sector

8 June 2021 – 9,30 AM – Event program

Portability in the financial sector”. This is the title of a Volume edited by Valeria Falce and Anna Genovese within the CONSOB series devoted of Fintech.

Many thanks to the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Innovation Policy and the Erasmus + Program of the European Union for the support provided in the underlying research work.

Volume “Financial Innovation tra Disintermediazione e Mercato”, Valeria Falce, Giappichelli Editore

14 May 2021

Webinar: Co-branding per lo sviluppo territoriale

14 May 2021 – Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi

Event program

13 May 2021

Webinar: Diritto d’impresa e nuove tecnologie

13 May 2021 – Luiss School of Law – Organizzato nell’ambito del centro di ricerca BILL

Event program

14 April 2021

Article: Ecosistemi digitali sotto la lente Antitrust: come risolvere un problema “mondiale”

30 March 2021, AgendaDigitale

Read full article – Valeria Falce

30 March 2021

Seminar: Corporate governance and Innovation Policy

30 March 2021, Università degli Studi di Firenze

Corporate governance and Innovation Policy. IA and IP issues – V. Falce
Lesson PosterLesson Slides (V. Falce)